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Showing posts from August, 2008

Resolusi di Tahun Baru

Sudah sangat lumrah, di setiap pergantian tahun, banyak orang mulai membuat resolusi baru. Misalnya punya mobil baru, rumah baru, turun berat badan 10kg, atau sixpack dalam 6 bulan. Resolusi baru yang diiringi dengan motivasi baru. Namun tidak sedikit juga yang tidak memiliki motivasi untuk membuat resolusi baru. Dan mulai mencari kisah-kisah motivasi untuk menambah motivasi di tahun baru. Nah, mungkin Anda salah satunya, karena sampai ke web ini. Well, sahabat motivasi, Anda sudah berusaha membuka laptop atau smartphone, membuka web browser,  dan mengetikan alamat website ini lalu mulai membaca kisah motivasi, Anda sudah cukup termotivasi...!!! Yak, segera tutup web ini dan mulai lah membuat resolusi baru dan kejar targetnya. Selamat Tahun Baru!

Kembalikan rasa berdaya Anda

Jeff adalah ahli terapi Joe. "Anda merasa lemah," begitu katanya. "Anda kehilangan semangat. Yang Anda perlukan adalah menemukan kembali rasa berdaya Anda." Pete adalah sahabat Joe. Mungkin Pete memikirkan hal yang sama, tetapi berbeda dalam mengungkapkannya pada Joe. Baru kali ini Joe merasa berada dalam posisi terbawah dalam seumur hidupnya. Dia terlalu bekerja keras, hingga sampai suatu saat, sang istri menggugat cerai. Ia kehilangan keluarga, puterinya dan kebahagiaanya. Jeff sebagai ahli terapi berusaha mengembalikan Joe. Pete sang sahabat juga berusaha membantu Joe recover. Tetapi Joe tetap terpuruk. Sampai suatu saat, Jeff mengatakan, "Rasa tidak berdaya ini disebabkan oleh wanita, karena saya menyarankan Anda untuk berkonsultasi dengan ahli terapi wanita." Joe merasa tertolak. Hingga suatu saat Joe melakukan aksi percobaan bunuh diri, 1 hal yang menggagalkannya, puterinya. Ingatan akan puterinya membuat aksi bunuh diri berakhir di kursi roda. Yah..

Motivation Gallery

A Dollar and Some Ambition

Each of us has two distinct choices to make about what we will do with our lives. The first choice we can make is to be less than we have the capacity to be. To earn less. To have less. To read less and think less. To try less and discipline ourselves less. These are the choices that lead to an empty life. These are the choices that, once made, lead to a life of constant apprehension instead of a life of wondrous anticipation. And the second choice? To do it all! To become all that we can possibly be. To read every book that we possibly can. To earn as much as we possibly can. To give and share as much as we possibly can. To strive and produce and accomplish as much as we possibly can. All of us have the choice. To do or not to do. To be or not to be. To be all or to be less or to be nothing at all. Like the tree, it would be a worthy challenge for us all to stretch upward and outward to the full measure of our capabilities. Why not do all that we can, every moment that we can, the bes

Change Begins With Choice

Any day we wish; we can discipline ourselves to change it all. Any day we wish; we can open the book that will open our mind to new knowledge. Any day we wish; we can start a new activity. Any day we wish; we can start the process of life change. We can do it immediately, or next week, or next month, or next year. We can also do nothing. We can pretend rather than perform. And if the idea of having to change ourselves makes us uncomfortable, we can remain as we are. We can choose rest over labor, entertainment over education, delusion over truth, and doubt over confidence. The choices are ours to make. But while we curse the effect, we continue to nourish the cause. As Shakespeare uniquely observed, "The fault is not in the stars, but in ourselves." We created our circumstances by our past choices. We have both the ability and the responsibility to make better choices beginning today. Those who are in search of the good life do not need more answers or more time to think thin